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Venue Housing

Housing at the Flensunger Hof is included in several different levels of registration fees. Refer to the section below for more information.

Local Lodging

Flensunger Hof is located in the center of Hesse with convenient transportation and housing options. 

Commuter Guidelines

Those living in Germany have the commuter option to travel to Flensunger Hof each day.

Image by Roberto Nickson

Commuter Pass

The Commuter Pass is for those who are staying off site and will be attending the conference for sessions. This level includes session admittance and lunch/dinner Thursday through Saturday.

$140 - $150

Image by Will Truettner

Partial Tenting

The Partial Tenting Package is for those who are staying at the Flensunger Hof in the tenting option. This level includes session admittance, housing in tents, and lunch/dinner Thursday through Saturday.

$170 - $190


Each tent has the ability to room ten individuals. You may be asked to room with other same-sex attendees.

Image by Eaters Collective

Full Tenting

The Full Tenting Package are for those who are staying at the Flensunger Hof in our tenting option. This level includes session admittance, housing in tents, and three meals a day Thursday through Saturday.

$210- $240


Each tent has the ability to room ten individuals. You may be asked to room with other same-sex attendees.

Image by Rhema Kallianpur

Double Room

The Double Room Packages are for those staying in rooms in the Flensunger Hof. This level includes session admittance, the double room option, and three meals Thursday through Saturday. Note that these spots are limited

$240 - $300


If you do not sign up to room with someone, you may be asked to room with another same-sex attendee. 

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